
“Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph.” – Matt Hardy

I have only recently got into Photography, I think it was since I did A-Level Photography at school. I loved the subject but never completed it… because the teacher was not nice. But in that short space of time I created my love for photography and photo editing. I created some awesome photos and have taken a lot away from that experience.

I am one of those photographers who uses their smartphones…. I know that is probably a very bad thing as it doesn’t make the best of photos but for me its perfect. I also have many photo editing apps on my phone so I can edit the picture straight after. One of my favourite apps is Pixlr. This is a very versitile app and can create some awesome images. I plan on giving tutorials on this awesome app.. so look for those.

By Sylwia Bartyzel

Since I like photography now I decided at the end of last year instead of making new years resolutions I will do the Cy365 photo challenge. This is where you take a photo a day dependent on the theme of that day. I am really enjoying the challenge so far and look forward to the upcoming year.

Ruth 🙂

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